When do you need the RCT procedure?
Root canal treatment is one of the most popular dental procedures to finish off the lousy pulp from inside the tooth. It refers to the endodontic treatment that cleans caries in the pump and root of the tooth. A recent report shows over ten million root canal treatments per year, so you're not the only one. After the RCT treatment, the dentist puts on the crown to protect the tooth. The nucleus consists of the dental pulp, blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. Wondering when you want root canal treatment? Read on for signs you want the RCT treatment: Signs of root canal treatment you should know 1. Cannot chew A common symptom of root canal treatment is the inability to chew food. You likely need a root canal if you chew on the other side of your mouth when chewing hot or cold food. After the stimulus is gone, the sensitivity increases steadily. It is the symptoms that the nerves have started to die so you can take the right treatment to save the tooth. 2. Severe toothache...